Vocar Studio
Web design


It all started with an idea... how can we build something that helps the marketing of service businesses. We got a course that was supposed to show me the way to become a successful entrepreneur. We were earning about marketing but then we saw the power of VIDEO. So the team talked to a local business, and they hired us to do a quick video for YouTube. 

After a short period of time the team realized that for this small team's growth, marketing was necessary. So we picked up the latest and greatest marketing books and began to learn about proven marketing strategies and principles. And then they spent years figuring out digital marketing and how to leverage it for their business.

Half a decade later Vocar Studios is now proficient with creating professional videos and effective marketing messages. Using both skillsets Vocar Studios creates video marketing strategies to add value to the consumer. Then we use marketing/copywriting to show why the prospect needs the company's solution right away.

Why We Care

Seeing so many businesses that have great ideas and good professionals behind the cause was really encouraging. It was a shock when we found a decent product with good marketing will beat a great product with terrible marketing.

We at Vocar Studios believe that service businesses are key to greatly impacting the community and want the good companies to have great marketing.
Web design


Michael Bond

Web design
For 6+ years Michael has been learning and growing into a proficient digital marketer with mentorship from some of the best in the industry.  He has been producing high quality videos and proven marketing methods to grow brand awareness for companies. With those key skills and resources we leverage content to convert viewers to clients.
Web design


We understand how to listen to your message and translate it into quality video, then help you sell it through written copy.

We have years of experience with digital marketing, and using unique methods to share the right message we know we can improve a companies' sales.
Video + Sales Funnel + Ads =  More Sales
Get More Leads &
Close More Sales.
Professional Marketing Messaging
Incredible Eye Catching Photography
Expert Level
Video Creation
Clear High-Converting Copywriting